How to Navigate Arousal
in Agility & at the Startline
for Optimal Results

What you’ll learn:

Examples of how "hyping up" your dog can backfire

Why arousal in dog sports is overrated

How arousal levels impact each and every one of our dogs

What you can start applying today to achieve optimal arousal levels


Solid Startlines Stay


We are preparing some important content updates and extensions (if you enroll today you’ll receive them automatically for free when available). Plus, when we launch, you’ll have an exclusive opportunity to We are preparing some important content updates and extensions (if you enroll today you’ll receive them automatically for free when available). Plus, when we launch, you’ll be invited to enroll as an active participant (limited working spots). You’ll receive our feedback on your uploaded videos throughout the guided program, watch the feedback we give on others’ videos, join discussions inside the community, hop on live Q&A calls, and more.

Program Start Date: 17th of June

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1 year ago

Looking forward to the course opening up.

Anja Troha
Anja Troha
1 year ago
Reply to  Christine

We are sure you’re going to love it!! 🙂

1 year ago

I need this course –

Anja Troha
Anja Troha
1 year ago
Reply to  Denise

Coming soon!!

Jo Gauthier
Jo Gauthier
1 year ago

hello, I’m looking forward to learning more. I have a dog that is over the top and very intense in everything we do. I can’t even go anywhere in the house; she thinks we are going somewhere or playing agility. I’ve tried self control exercise without luck. also she’s toy obsessed. I avoid toys for jumping exercise. She plows into the jumps and wings.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jo Gauthier

It sounds like your dog is having some arousal issues for sure. We will address this lightly in our Solid Startline Stay course – however, it would be ideal to work on this problem holistically through remote consultations. Arousal and over-excitement are strong emotions that oftentimes require work outside of the agility field. You can start by asking yourself where your dog participates in routines that spike their arousal levels and where you can nurture a calm mindset instead. If you are looking for guidance, we are always available to help you through this with private online consultations.

1 year ago

I’m looking forward to implementing your suggestions to manage my very intense border collie. I do believe there is light as she has become more settled at home. I’m unable to have her calm when we run agility…..on the side of the ring or when she runs. She will keep running back at me instead of driving forward so it’s really frustrating.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan

Hi, we are sure you’ll love our exercises and tips within our Solid Startline Stay course. In regards to running back to you instead of focusing on obstacles and committing to them, we recommend our friend’s Essential Agility Training Skills course to polish the foundations and understanding of what you’re asking your dog to do – the confidence in the skill will already reduce arousal levels and frustration.

1 year ago

She’ll stay at home and when I’m out walking but not when she is doing agility. Did at the beginning but not now. Looking forward to see if this will help

1 year ago
Reply to  Merry

Hi, thank you for commenting. Agility training introduces higher arousal, which could be the reason why your dog becomes so filled with anticipation that their perfect stay breaks down. Maintaining their position at home or during a walk might be easier because there’s no exciting activity following their stay. We will be addressing this in our class. 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by admin
1 year ago

I actually don’t have a problem in start line,. The problem I have is keeping my dogs attention while doing a longer course. She gets distracted so easily. Often she start sniffing around and forgets everything around her…

1 year ago
Reply to  Anne

Thank you for your comment.
Does your dog have this problem only during competitions or does it also occur during training sessions?

Sniffing and getting distracted could be a result of feeling overwhelmed and stressed. It’s possible that your dog might not be ready for longer sequences yet.

In my approach to training, I aim to only do as much as my dog is comfortable with. This means ensuring they stay happily engaged and attentive during the training process.
To address this issue, my plan of action would involve increasing the value of the activity. This can be achieved by using higher motivation rewards, building confidence and understanding on individual obstacles, and refraining from running a complete course if your dog is unable to do so without getting distracted.

By establishing strong foundations, structuring sessions effectively, and setting your dog up for success, you can help them gain confidence. Confidence leads to joy, and with joy, there comes staying in the game and not wandering off the course.

Your goal is to build a love for the game. When your dog loves the process, adding higher expectations will be a piece of cake, but they have to want to be a part of the process first and you get that by setting very simple challenges and making your dog feel like they are on top of the world.

That might mean it will take a bit longer before your dog can run a full course while keeping the focus, but whenever things go wrong along the process, it is important to take a few steps back and build stronger foundations. 🙂

Hope this helps a little!

1 year ago
Reply to  admin

Thank you so much for answering.
We’re not doing competition, it’s during training sessions.
I started agility only 4 months ago…
It looks like I have to work harder on creating a stronger bound between the two of us.
We’re working on doing small sequences still, and it could be that she’s a little bit overwhelmed about it.
About to increase the reward, how do I do that?
I bring her favorite toy, specific for our training sessions, and I try to encourage her.

1 year ago

Thats what we Need – my Border Collie Girl and me very exited to learn more
Martina and Malu

1 year ago
Reply to  Martina

Hey, excited to welcome you into our course!! 🙂

Kirsti Cockburn
Kirsti Cockburn
1 year ago

Hi, looking forward to understanding arousal more🙂

1 year ago


Excited to have you on board!

1 year ago

Thank you for this video. Thank God we no longer have any problems with the start line. In fact, only since we put calm and concentration first in our warm-up routine. Playing before the start has become a minor matter at best. The video really encourages me. Thanks for sharing.

1 year ago

Hei, my dog explodes when he understands, that now it is his time to do the exercises. At home he is really normal dog, and at the hall also, hwn others are doing agility, then he is not over-arousal. BUT – when his turn is – then he explodes!!

Nejc (Linking)
8 months ago


We are preparing some important content updates and extensions (if you enroll today you’ll receive them automatically for free when available). Plus, when we launch, you’ll be invited to enroll as an active participant (limited working spots). You’ll receive our feedback on your uploaded videos throughout the guided program, watch the feedback we give on others’ videos, join discussions inside the community, hop on live Q&A calls, and more.

Program Start Date: 17th of June 2024

8 months ago

Got a 4 years old female Border Collie with high sensibility to the competition environment. She really likes playing agility and if on one hand we’ve reached an acceptable arousement level while training on the other we’re still fighting with high level anxiety during competitions.

Ellen Bartos
Ellen Bartos
8 months ago

My dog does not break her startline stay —- even when I ask her to Break and start running! Sometimes she just sits there and looks at me. Will this course help me?

Craig Coulson
Craig Coulson
8 months ago

We have a working cocker that enjoys training but at a show just shuts down he often wont take the first jump but when he does he will lie down after the jump. When he does start moving its slow to start but then when he knows he is near the finish he runs at full speed

8 months ago

Our Problem is actually the opposite of what you have mentioned. My cattle dog cannot hold her start line stay in training very well but in competition, she has never broken the start line – the competition environment just sets her back much more and she is less energetic and cheerful and less excited to start agility vs. in the training environment. Is this also over arousal? Riki

Tina Hansen
Tina Hansen
7 months ago

I am looking forward to this, I have a dog screaming very badly in the startline. She starts when she see the agility course. She is very stressed and I am very stressed trying to calm her down.

7 months ago

I need it

7 months ago

Olá 😊
O meu cão está sempre a saltar, como quem está sempre a espera de comida ou atenção e mesmo de pois de dar ambas ele continua a fazer o mesmo eu tenho muitas vezes de impor uma voz mais de ordem “para / quieto” mas só consigo que fique quieto uns minutos, ele com esse comportamento acaba alejando-me com as unhas e até com os dentes porquê salta com a boca aberta e já me feriu com os dentes, sei que ele não tinha intensão de magoar e só pedinchar…. Mas gostava de acabar com esse comportamento…

Beverley Barker
Beverley Barker
7 months ago

Will this help if you have a dog with slow start line? My dog has a slow start line, he lacks confidence and is worried about queuing dogs behind the start line.

barry cilliers
barry cilliers
6 months ago


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