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The motto, ‘’Take your dog anywhere!’’,  was born when we as teenagers first got puppies of our own. For the very first time, we got the opportunity to learn about responsible dog-ownership. What bound us together were two things: A passion for dogs and a desire to explore the world. It was crystal clear, quite quickly, that our dogs enjoyed the adventures just as much as we did – in fact, the outdoors invited their very nature to come out to play. 

Soon enough, we were exploring every corner of our home country, the gems that lay abroad, while also uncovering the true venturer in each one of our dogs. 

Above all we also built a strong bond through the magic of it all. 


Chasing the Tale’s ideology is that dogs can be much more than just a pet if only we nurture their true potential with consistent, enjoyable, and clear training. 

By ‘more than just a pet’ we mean that your dog can be your friend, your family member, your loyal companion, and more. We believe that dogs can make our everyday lives more fun and fulfilling with their happy attitude and contagious outlook on life.

Chasing the Tale is about creating stories with your dog and it is about adventure!

That being said, we should never forget what sparks the fire in our own dog’s! Always look at the dog in front of you and adapt your adventures to their specific needs and wants. The goal is for everyone to enjoy themselves, together! The adventure need not be grand, as long as you make it your own – even if that means relaxing on the sofa and watching Netflix, going to a drive-in movie theater, grabbing a coffee in the city or taking a refreshing swim in the lake.

All in all, the mission of Chasing the Tale is to encourage more dog owners to take their dogs with them on their adventures – and most importantly, show them how easy it can be with a well mannered dog! With all of this in mind, Chasing the Tale Academy was born.