🏆 Agility Handlers: Control Your Dog's Crazy Energy Like a Pro and Enjoy a Peaceful Competition Experience! 🏆

Get Your Dog in the Zone
Before Every Training & Competition

Get Your Dog
in the Zone

Before Every Training & Competition

...with a must-have set of 10 fun games to never feel scattered or out of sync again.

Get them to pay 100% attention to your cues.
Sharpen their focus and calm their nerves.
Power up your overall agility performance.
Start at home, excel in the agility ring. 
Trusted by competitors.

Watch the Video Below & Learn Why You Should Know How To Handle Your Dog's Crazy Emotions!

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Proven Techniques That Get Results, Every Time

»By applying this knowledge, I've transformed our training and competitions into showcases of unwavering focus and composure. This breakthrough has not only boosted our consistency but also deepened our connection, leading to impressive successes in every challenge we take on. «

This Solid Startline Stay course is everything an agility competitor truly needs and more. I believe there are hardly any among us who haven’t experienced the frustration of not being sure whether you can trust your dog to stay in position as we move away to prepare for the start of our run. It’s in moments like these that we realise how crucial it is to have strong foundations for the behaviours we teach. Participating in this course has deepened my understanding of the impact that arousal, excitement, and the environment have on maintaining the start line stay. With the help of the exercises presented, I have been able to apply this knowledge and build much more consistent stays during training and competitions. Thanks to our partners at Chasing The Tale for offering this awesome course; it has truly set even my youngest boy, Tide, up for success!
Jana Gams

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner,
an Active Competitor in Agility and FCI Obedience, CEO of dogs4motionacademy

»Perfect course to start with before agility sequencing or to fix existing startline issues!«

Solid Startline Stay course doesn’t only – or really 😉 – teach your dog to “stay”, it helps you understand what’s going on in dog’s head and how to navigate his emotions before the magical release word. You’ll love the holistic approach of the instructors and videos with clear instructions. After completing the program you’ll have a reliable startline and you’ll feel much better partner for your dog!

Beata Luchowska

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Certified Canine Physiotherapist,
Trainer, International-Level Competitor

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Stand Stress-Free at the Startline

And Perform in the Agility Course as a Team

Say goodbye to:

Instead, you will:

Say goodbye to:

Wild emotions and an overexcited dog. Overarousal can cause your dog to feel extreme anxiety, fear, and even trigger a fight-or-flight response.

Instead, you will:

Turn your dog's excitement into focus using fun games and techniques with step-by-step tutorials. These methods will help bring your dog to the optimal state of arousal.

Say goodbye to:

Feeling scattered, out of sync, and disengaged before even starting at the startline.

Instead, you will:

Ensure you and your dog are on the same page, with their focus on you and both of you perfectly in sync.

Say goodbye to:

Trying to figure out their chaotic unpredictable mind like you are navigating a maze with no map.

Instead, you will:

Learn how to check your dog's emotional state and arousal levels in various environments, and develop a strong sense of mutual understanding.

Say goodbye to:

Your dog lacking precision on the course, missing cues, and performing random behaviors instead of listetning to your commands.

Instead, you will:

Make certain your dog pays attention to and responds to your cues, rather than guessing what you want, so you can perform at your best during competitions.

Say goodbye to:

Your dog running around the course mindlessly like a chicken with its head cut off.

Instead, you will:

Train your dog to adjust their movement and speed for optimal performance on the course, ensuring they navigate quickly while maintaining accuracy and success.

Say goodbye to:

Your dog getting easily distracted, performing random zoomies, drifting off, leaving the course to greet someone, shutting down and disassociating, walking away, or refusing to start at all.

Instead, you will:

Build tolerance for different distractions, maintain laser-like focus for extended periods, and tune out the surrounding world, especially near the agility ring.

Say goodbye to:

Your dog being focused during training sessions but struggling to maintain the same calm mindset during competitions.

Instead, you will:

Achieve consistent success by maintaining desired behaviors both in training sessions and during competitive events.

Say goodbye to:

Feeling overwhelmed by your dog's high arousal issues at competitions, which adds to the overall performance stress.

Instead, you will:

Gain insights into how your dog's emotional states affect their behavior and use this knowledge to your advantage in various busy environments.

Say goodbye to:

Facing disqualification, losing time, and feeling discouraged because your dog's mind isn't focused on the agility course and the task at hand.

Instead, you will:

Celebrate your dog's newfound ability to maintain laser-like focus, and enjoy competitions without fear of disqualification, knowing your hard work has paid off.

Empowering Agility Enthusiasts and Competitors Worldwide

»You simply need to have this if you ever plan on competing. It is one of the first things I work on with my dogs and I recommend you do too. I’ll be doing these exercises with my next puppy too.«

I recommend this Startline Stay course to anyone struggling with getting their dog to wait before their run. As a competitor and judge, I believe that waiting at the startline is a basic skill that every agility dog should have in order to perform effectively. It is what you start your run with and a fundamental behaviour that you simply need to have if you ever plan on competing. It is one of the first things I work on with my dogs and I recommend you do too. This course takes on a very organised approach to teaching the stay and walks you through a wide range of challenges that will help you trust your dog at the startline on any competition. They have a chapter dedicated to solving agility-specific problems like exercises for dogs who can wait during training but break the stay on competitions. I trust the girls who created this course, they have taken care of my puppies, board & trained them before sending them abroad to their owners, and help me with my litters. I’ll be doing these exercises with my next puppy too.

Mirja Lapanja

Does your perfect stay turn into disaster at competitions?

This Course is Ideal For:



New to agility and want to lay the perfect foundations? Or is your dog just starting out? You’ve come to the right place.



Got some agility experience but your dog gets overaroused easily? No problem – we have the solution!



Does your dog easily get distracted, making it hard to control their emotions and focus on the task at hand? This is your way to take things to the next level!

We Suggest You Explore
Other Options, If:


You don’t like learning and improving your training methods.


You don’t mind being disqualified or getting poor results in competitions because your dog can’t focus and sync with you as a team.


You believe your dog can’t be helped because they were ‘born this way.’

The 3-Step Roadmap to Getting Your Dog in the Zone!

Here's exactly how you'll achieve it:

Step: 1

Exercises to Decompress Your Dog’s Body

These exercises help calm your dog physically by soothing their autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary functions like heart rate and blood pressure.

They include nose work, physical massages, and more. These activities aim to bring your dog’s body back into balance by reducing cortisol levels and lowering the heart rate.

Step: 2

Exercises to Awaken Your Dog’s Mind

Engaging your dog’s mind is crucial for self-regulating arousal levels.

Arousal often comes with anxiety and fear, but by engaging the prefrontal cortex, you can achieve top-down regulation to calm your dog.

This activates their ‘thinking brain,’ helping them problem-solve and follow cues on the field.

In this section, you’ll find mind-engaging exercises like cue discrimination and focus games to bring your dog to an optimal arousal state.

Step: 3

Create Your Own Pre-Competition Routine!

Explore various exercises to see what works best for your dog and create a pre-start line routine for yourself.

Discover activities that calm your dog’s nerves and sharpen their focus, ensuring both of you are mentally and physically prepared to perform at your best.

Get Results Fast: Nothing Left Out

Your key takeaways from this will be:


Clear Plan of Action:

This is a must-have set of 10 fun mindset games with clear explanations and step-by-step tutorials. These exercises ensure you and your dog are in sync at the startline, focused on a common goal: a clean run.


Deeper Understanding:

This course is thorough in its approach, explaining each move and its purpose in detail.


Problem Solving:

Learn how to work through your existing problems and build new, reliable, behaviors.


Confidence and Clarity:

You’ll find it effortless to grasp the concepts and structure your own routine perfectly.

Don't take our word for it.
Listen to our students:

»Chasing the Tale saved my life!«

Jinx and I were very happy to get to work. We can’t wait to continue with the program. The platform itself is eye-pleasing, the text is easy to read and understand, and the videos are interesting and of high quality.


Eva & Jinx

»Today, Juno thinks about what we want, not what her urges are.«

Thanks, ladies, for sharing your knowledge with the world, we definitely need this for all the high-energy doggos that would love to work to please their family and friends.


Anže & Maja

By Purchasing Now, You Receive Immediate Access To:

Introducing ...

Get Your Dog in the Zone Before Every Training & Competition

...with a must-have set of 10 fun games to never feel scattered or out of sync again.



We always strive to further upgrade our course. Thus we cannot promise you this amazing offer isn’t going away. If one of the links below still work then you’re good to go.

Course Opening Soon


All prices in USD

Wait! There's More ...

Get Access To Chasing the Tale’s Private Community

Get Access To Chasing the Tale’s Community

We'll surround you with a friendly group of dog trainers and owners who know what to do if you ever feel stuck. You're going to get access to our private, members-only, group where you can connect with likeminded people and share your experience.

Based on Science

This course is product of:

➤ Science-based veterinary
➤ Canine sports medicine knowledge
➤ Personal training experiences
➤ Thorough research

Our story

Chasing the Tale’s ideology is that dogs can be much more than just a pet if only we nurture their true potential with consistent, enjoyable, and clear training.

By ‘more than just a pet’ we mean that your dog can be your friend, your family member, your loyal companion, and more. We believe that dogs can make our everyday lives more fun and fulfilling with their happy attitude and contagious outlook on life.

Chasing the Tale is about creating stories with your dog and it is about adventure!

That being said, we should never forget what sparks the fire in our own dog’s! Always look at the dog in front of you and adapt your adventures to their specific needs and wants.

The goal is for everyone to enjoy themselves, together! The adventure need not be grand, as long as you make it your own – even if that means relaxing on the sofa and watching Netflix, going to a drive-in movie theatre, grabbing a coffee in the city or taking a refreshing swim in the lake.

All in all, the mission of Chasing the Tale is to encourage more dog owners to take their dogs with them on their adventures – and most importantly, show them how easy it can be with a well mannered dog! With all of this in mind, Chasing the Tale Academy was born.

We Stand Behind You:

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Because Your Satisfaction Matters

We’re so confident that you’ll achieve a rock-solid startline stay with the help of this course that we’re willing to back up your purchase with a 100% money-back guarantee.

If you don’t feel that the Solid Startline Stay has helped you, we’ll refund every cent you paid – no questions asked.

Online Learning, Real-Life Results

» The best thing is that I‘ve gained a deeper understanding of dog training in general.«

I now often look at dog training differently or notice things in my or my dogs‘ behaviour I didn’t notice before.

Isabella & Rivia

You're just one click away from leveling up your dog's agility game

What if My Dog Seems Lazy and Disinterested, Not Over-Excited?

If your dog seems lazy and disinterested, this approach can still help. Many dogs that appear under-aroused are actually in a freeze-flight state due to overwhelming stress, causing them to shut down and disengage. They need emotional regulation, a sense of safety, and structure to overcome this state and become more responsive.

Adapting Training to Your Unique Dog

What calms one dog might not be calming to another.

For example, some dogs don’t find touch soothing or rewarding, so stroking might not work for them.

You will learn to observe and work with the dog in front of you, noting how they respond to tactile stimulation like movement, sniffing, and touches.

Over 15 Years of Dog Training Experience

We have dedicated years of our lives to acquiring this knowledge.

We’ve honed our skills through hands-on experience in our in-person classes, competitive agility events, workshops, and seminars.

Our commitment to staying at the forefront of training methods is evident in our collaboration with esteemed experts like Jana Gams and Beata Luchowska, as well as other active competitors in the field.

Our methods are not only up-to-date but also proven effective through real-world application.

Does This Suit Me?

No, you can work through all of these exercises with your brand new puppy. In fact we would recommend doing so, in order to give your dog the right foundations from the start.

No. This course comes with well-explained, step-by-step tutorials that are all you need.

You and your dog are not the only ones! If your dog’s emotional state is in the way, it is most likely because you didn’t dedicate enough time to build solid foundations. Don’t worry, we have just the right tips, lessons, and tricks to help you work through that.
But if, after purchase, you feel that this course is not for you – you can always ask to get your money back and we will refund you, no questions asked.

Of course! This is a common problem. Agility competitions face your dog with a completely new environment and a different set of challenges. BUT it doesn’t mean that you can’t do something about it. This course will help you get your dog’s overwhelming emotions under control – on competitions or elsewhere.

Technical Questions

Absolutely! You will have lifetime access. This means you can revisit the course, reinforce your understanding, and start with new dogs whenever you desire in the future.

The next payment is due one month after the initial purchase date. For instance, if the purchase is made on July 16th, the subsequent payment will be due on August 16th.

Yes. The access to the content platform is lifetime, and it is very easy to use and navigate. 

Currently, the course is only available in English, but it does come with English subtitles. However, we do plan on translating the subtitles into other languages in the future, so please follow us for updates.

The video material is not downloadable. However, access to the online classroom is lifetime and the content platform can be reached very easily from any device (phone, tablet, or computer), and is very simple to use.

Unlocking Success:
What Our Students Say

»I loved how they take their time to explain why a dog is behaving a certain way rather than just throwing a possible solution our way.«

By doing so they help us dog owners understand our dogs more and thus allow us to find solutions on our own when encountering other


Tjaša Tišler & Brownie


Too many agility handlers feel resentful towards their dogs FOR YEARS…

We don’t want that to be you.

Jump on board to see why so many wish they had started sooner.

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